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Adopt AI responsibly.
Since 2021, the team at AI & Partners believe AI should be used responsibly and transparently. We're here to help you not just comply with AI regulations but build trust with your customers by using AI ethically. With our solution, you'll have the tools to manage risks, meet EU AI Act requirements, and drive innovation with confidence.

Clients & partners, large and small, rely on AI & Partners.

Explore the solutions that help.
AI & Partners offers a unified AI governance platform that fosters AI innovation while providing end-to-end regulatory compliance. See how we can help your firm address today’s biggest hurdles.
EU AI Act Impact Assessment
A comprehensive evaluation of your business model and processes to ensure alignment with the EU AI Act's regulatory requirements, including a sector-specific analysis and roadmap for compliance by August 2, 2026.
Prohibited AI System Scan
An assessment of in-scope AI systems to determine if they fall under prohibited categories as per the EU AI Act and to recommend risk mitigation or decommissioning strategies.
ISO 42001 Pre-Audit
An expert evaluation of your AI Risk Management System to assess readiness for ISO 42001 certification, providing feedback and recommendations for improvement prior to formal auditing.
AI Governance Framework Design
A service that helps organizations establish a robust AI governance framework to manage AI ethics, risks, and regulatory compliance.
AI Risk Management Policy Development
A consultancy service to develop AI risk management policies aligned with global standards and regulations, such as ISO 42001 and the EU AI Act.
An interactive e-learning course designed to equip your team with the knowledge and practical skills required to navigate and implement the EU AI Act.
A comprehensive compliance software solution that assesses and categorizes your AI systems based on EU AI Act requirements.
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