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How We Can Help

Accelerating Your EU AI Act Compliance AI Journey

Developing a mature, compliant and responsible AI program in your firm takes commitment, time, and resources.


Getting your compliance AI journey started has become ever more important for all types of firms building, buying, marketing, using, developing or supplying AI systems.

Prepare to comply with the EU AI Act.

Avoid acquiring technical debt created by non-compliant products.

Accelerate the development and deployment of AI systems.

Mitigate business risk and harms caused by potential incidents.

Organisational preparedness

Knowing what you buy, or build, has never been more crucial.  AI-enabled systems could affect the health, wealth and livelihood of individuals, and any incident will have a serious impact on your reputation and bottom line.


The Organisational Preparedness program evaluates your organizational compliance in procuring and building AI systems so you can implement a more robust responsible AI program.


Most organisations purchasing technology products have added stringent diversity and security requirements into their contracts, and it’s expected they will soon have to demand the same for responsible AI.


The Supplier Preparedness program helps you to identify opportunities to improve your compliance AI practices and to meet, and perhaps even exceed, your client’s expectations for trusted and responsible AI, giving you a lasting advantage in the market.

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